About us
Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) is a District level extension unit of IGKV, Raipur under Directorate of Extension Service. It is headed by post of the Senior Scientist & Head in a cadre post who is senior scientist from State Agriculture University (SAU). KVK is basically entrusted with responsibilities relating to Extension Activities of IGKV, Raipur for all OFT, FLD, Training, Externally aided projects of the ICAR, ATARI, SAU, State Government and Agriculture allied sector department. It also coordinates with various Government Departments, District Administration, Corporations, Boards, and ICAR in the matter relating agricultural and farmers welfare and implementation Government sponsored programmes. Broad responsibilities of KVK's is as under:
- Transfer of Technology is major role of KVK for several programmes of ICAR, IGKV, Central and State Goverment.
- Promotional role to maximize extension of programme for development activities of the village in the State.
- Intermediary role to coordinate with Agriculture / other allied sector department to sort out problems, monitoring and technical support between governmental agencies and departments.
- Project Management, Implementation and Coordination for externally aided projects as well as to provide general project preparation/ planning/ technical support to concerned departments and agencies of government.
- Monitoring progress of externally aided projects in village of the State.
- To draft yearly Annual Progress Report for University activites wise under poverty alleviation and farmers economically development. The objective is to Transfer the Technology after successfully demonstration trails and economically benefited for formers.
- Implementation of new projects and research programme at Farm as well as Farmers Fields.